You’ve heard me say many times that when you have an intentional personal brand strategy in place, you will feel in control over things that may have felt abstract and random before. You’ll see your path forward, feel confident to navigate the risks and threats that might come, and become empowered to live your life to the fullest.

Personal branding gives you the “why” to filter decisions through, and that changes everything. And, when something feels uncontrollable, you’ll know it’s because it was either not meant for you or is not controllable by you. That kind of clarity is powerful!
As with any strategy, first, you’ll examine where you are starting from, and then you’ll decide where you want to go. When you are clear on what the beginning is, and what the end looks like, the strategy becomes the “how”—how will I get there?
Your personal brand strategy requires you to be an expert on you. When you’re an expert on what you stand for, what you value, and where you’re headed, you’ll be empowered to thoughtfully deliver your brand and value proposition to those target audiences who align with your values and vision, attracting the right opportunities for you.
In my new book “Control The Narrative” I explain in detail how to create your personal brand strategy, giving you all the necessary tools to take control over your career. To learn more, pre-order today.