Inspired by the release of my upcoming book on personal branding, my friend confided in me that she was now motivated to write her book. She shared, “I just have to write it… I will get it done. This is a book I just need to finish once and for all!”
I responded that the book she described was not one I looked forward to – Why would I want to read something she “had to” write? Instead, I want to read the book she’s inspired to write – the one that flows from her heart and her head. The one that pulls all of her technical expertise together with a beautiful story of hope and change. THAT is the book I want to read! I encouraged her to think about how she was viewing this effort (writing her book) and how her attitude and outlook were influencing my perspective on her work.
Your personal narrative is the way you communicate, internally and externally about your value. If you’re filled with fear and self-doubt, that undoubtedly is reflected in how you come across to others. Becoming aware of how you promote and communicate your passions and values directly impacts how others will appreciate you.
Do you use the wrong narrative when talking to others (or yourself) about your plans and your vision? Maybe the reason people see you as difficult to get along with is because you complain about your work day, instead of celebrating the fact that you have a job and are contributing to the organization? We can easily look outward to find reasons and excuses for missed opportunities and to explain our shortcomings, but it could also be we’re telling the wrong message in the first place.
What is the narrative you use to tell your story? How does it support your vision for your personal brand and the legacy – reputation – you want to leave behind?
I agree – when it comes to ourselves; often we’re not our Best Advocates …whether that is we don’t do the same things for our own self/businesses versus the effort, advise, and solutions we dp for our customers, friends or associates.
Instead of asking WHY …I think we need to focus on HOW do we overcome it?
Getting an outside perspective is one option. Yes, experts are nice (and do cost some $$$’s). But, if a start up company doesn’t have the $$$’s, another way is to enlist other successful business owners/clients to help.
Like any sports game …the Best things we CAN DO is Take Action, see the Results/NEW Situation, make Adjustments & repeat.
We all need to have a positive driven narrative. It is amazing how we all focus on the negative; thinking it makes us feel better; but at the end of the day the message we have shared with others is one of discomfort and lacking hope.
Can’t wait to read your book!
Completely agree, Tom. Action is required to redirect the way things are working. Sometimes just re-writing your narrative, and using a new script to communicate what you are about sets in motion a series of powerful actions!