Take control of your personal brand, reputation, and career.
Read the blog from award-winning branding and reputation management expert Lida Citroën for practical insights, tips, and takeaways on how to influence the way people perceive you.
If not you, then who? Building influence in your workplace
“The word influence originates from the Latin word influere, meaning ‘to flow or stream.’* Influence is understood to be how we “… sway a person, action, opinion, or course. Having influence means driving — directly or indirectly — the way something plays out.” In other words, influence guides and drives the way something happens. We […]
The Transparency Dilemma: Staying authentic while keeping some things private
I shared my POV on transparency and authenticity in a video, which sparked a lot of great conversation. Many of you chimed in with your thoughts, so I wanted to take this opportunity to dive a bit deeper into the topic of honesty, transparency, authenticity, and realness. If you missed that post, you can check […]
How You Receive Compliments Impacts Your Leadership Presence: Do’s and don’ts to consider
Many of us struggle with this: Someone pays us a compliment and we deflect or minimize the kind words, as if doing so will make us seem humble or at least not look arrogant. We receive compliments in our personal lives, from family, friends and other loved ones, but the professional compliments are ones we […]
Leadership, Influence, and the F-word
Ugh. It happened again. While teaching a program on influence and leadership, someone asked the question I hate to be asked: “This sounds really hard. Is there a way to shortcut—or fake—influence before you have it?” The question irks me because it reminds me of the expression, “If it was easy, everyone would do it.” […]
How to Set Boundaries While Still Being a Team Player
In your personal or professional life, setting boundaries is how you keep yourself and your priorities in line.
Are You a Manager or a Leader? 10 questions to ask yourself to get clear on what role you want to pursue
Too often, the lines between being a manager and leader are so ill-defined that it’s not clear which is required, which is desired, and which you might want more of.
Should You Keep Going or Make a Change? How to decide if your job is truly right for you
Just because you have skills and experience in one area doesn’t need to feel limiting. Open the possibilities to see where else those talents could be used that are more fulfilling and meaningful.
What to post when you don’t know what to post (on LinkedIn)
Knowing LinkedIn is a professional site can make posting feel more significant and daunting, as if everyone who matters will read your first post, judge you for it and decide your worth by what you write.
Mirror, mirror on the wall: The insanity of vanity
As I help build and manage the personal brands of leaders around the world, the concept of vanity continues to rear its head — because the reality is that how someone looks does, in fact, play a role in how we perceive and judge them.
Conquering the fear of feedback. Leveraging it for career advancement!
Do you dread receiving feedback?… You’re not alone! Many professionals struggle with the discomfort of feedback, unsure of how to navigate it effectively. Feedback can make you feel vulnerable, judged, and exposed. That’s normal… I personally believe that feedback is a gift. As an executive coach, my first step when working with a client is […]
Books by Lida Citroën
Lida is the author of several books on personal branding, reputation repair, military-to-civilian-transition, and engaging with veteran talent.
In her most recent book, The New Rules of Influence, she shares wisdom on building influence that empowers those who have felt unsure, marginalized, unrecognized, or unseen to authentically build trust, drive change, and make a lasting impact–in a meeting or a movement.