Too often, the lines between being a manager and leader are so ill-defined that it’s not clear which is required, which is desired, and which you might want more of.

The role of a manager sometimes is confused with leadership. The manager is typically responsible for “the how” (the work being done, deadlines and deliverables, and alerting others when challenges surface), the leader sets and then drives the team towards a vision, raises the morale of the team to work hard, and innovates when obstacles arise.
Both have merit and value to keep an organization running.
Whether someone enjoys being more of a taskmaster and organizer, or relishes living in the big picture and driving a vision forward, both can be dictated by the role, the organization and personal preference. Leadership is very much also a mindset, and we see instances of managers who lead their teams very successfully. Fundamentally, however, the differences in style between leaders and managers have a lot to do with who sets the vision and who ensures the goals of the vision are met.
To better understand your own preferences, ask yourself:
• When I’m responsible for a team, do I enjoy being their guide and mentor?
• Do I like to brainstorm and strategize ideas at the highest level of consideration?
• Am I curious about other people, what they want, care about and need?
• Am I a natural teacher who likes to show people how to do something new?
• Do I get energized by uncertainty, possibility and growth?
If your answer to those questions above is a resounding “Yes!” then leadership likely appeals to you. As a leader, you’re thinking about “what if” more than what’s right in front of you, you’ll embrace possibilities and the potential of the people you lead to grow and succeed.
**Bonus tip: If you find that your preference is leadership, it’s also important for you to lean into your leadership style (servant leader, transformational leader, motivational leader) here are some extra tips 👉
Also, consider your responses to these questions:
• Am I a detail-oriented, organized person?
• Do I like the sense of completion I feel at the end of each day, knowing things are completed?
• Do I enjoy feeling a sense of control over my projects, team and work to stay on track?
• Am I easily frustrated when projects and goals feel abstract or not clearly defined?
• Do I enjoy managing the tasks of my employees, ensuring everyone is performing according to our agreed-upon processes?
If the list above gives you peace and calm and seems more aligned with how you think and operate, then a managerial role might appeal to you more. Managers are accountable for the outcomes of their teams and projects, and they play a critical role in ensuring all team members and projects move swiftly in the right direction.
No matter your preference (leader or manager), your current job title, age, race, or gender, it’s important that you build your influence, use your voice, and share your message, because the world needs you and what you have to offer.
**Partially extracted from my article previously published on Military(dot)com