Courage is defined as “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty.”

In our careers and when we want to build influence we need to find the courage to lead differently, be open to change and ambiguity, and still find the strength to persevere in making a difference.
We must share who we are and why our work matters to us in order to build community, connection, and influence with those around us.
But, how do we find that courage inside us?
These are 3 ways to develop courage in your career and leadership path:
1. Clarify your purpose. Instead of starting with “What can I do?” or “What do I need to do?” ask yourself, “What am I meant to do?” Your purpose for being here – your “why” – is what helps you face adversity and obstacles with courage.
2. Lean on a service mindset. Learn all you can about your target auidence, what they need, and what they care about. Then use a service mindset to help, guide, and add value in ways only you can.
3. Enlist a mentor. We all need help and guidance. We lean on each other for support, encouragement, information, and insights to help grow our lives and careers. Have the courage to reach out for assistance. A mentor can be a huge support, be brave and share what you need so they can help you.
In my book, “The New Rules of Influence: How to Authentically Build Trust, Drive Change, and Make an Impact,” I offer this about the need for courage:
“Be courageous and push past fear. Courage doesn’t happen for you or to you. You need to find the strength to be the leader you’re meant to be. You’ll have to become confident and able to embrace risk — and be unapologetically brave. Courage means pushing for what you believe is right with the gusto, passion, and bravery of Sir William Wallace going into battle (face paint optional).”
The world needs people with the courage to speak up and speak out, to bring others into conversations that might be uncomfortable, and to serve a greater purpose.
Be courageous!
**partially extracted from my article on Military(dot)com.