Your desired brand is the ultimate reputation or legacy you want to have. When people talk about you after an interview, around the water cooler, or even at your funeral, how will they speak about your skills, contribution, attitude, and values? How do you make people feel?
Most likely, they won’t talk about your delivery of on-time and on-budget projects — they’ll discuss how you made them feel. That feeling is what they use to ultimately assign value to you.
Feelings drive the power we have to control the narrative and in personal branding, they are the foundation for the experience we’ll have for the people we want to attract to us.
So, how do you make people feel the way you want to be known for?
Personal branding is all about consistency—when more often I see you acting or speaking or behaving a certain way, I’ll believe it.
Remember this: values + actions = credibility. Live by that formula. To be credible (and trusted) people must know what you stand for (values) and see evidence or proof of you living those values.
To create your desire reputation, and make people feel the way you want to be known for you’ll need to:
1. Define your values — the values you want to be known for.
2. Align your actions to your values. Walk the talk. Lead by example. Live your truth.
3. Be authentic, consistent, and confident with your values and your actions, — online and in-person.
Sooner than later your desired reputation will become true before your eyes.
Need more guidance? Check out these resources: