Take control of your personal brand, reputation, and career.
Read the blog from award-winning branding and reputation management expert Lida Citroën for practical insights, tips, and takeaways on how to influence the way people perceive you.
What to post when you don’t know what to post (on LinkedIn)
Knowing LinkedIn is a professional site can make posting feel more significant and daunting, as if everyone who matters will read your first post, judge you for it and decide your worth by what you write.
Mirror, mirror on the wall: The insanity of vanity
As I help build and manage the personal brands of leaders around the world, the concept of vanity continues to rear its head — because the reality is that how someone looks does, in fact, play a role in how we perceive and judge them.
Conquering the fear of feedback. Leveraging it for career advancement!
Do you dread receiving feedback?… You’re not alone! Many professionals struggle with the discomfort of feedback, unsure of how to navigate it effectively. Feedback can make you feel vulnerable, judged, and exposed. That’s normal… I personally believe that feedback is a gift. As an executive coach, my first step when working with a client is […]
Finding the courage to build your influence
In our careers and when we want to build influence we need to find the courage to lead differently, be open to change and ambiguity, and still find the strength to persevere in making a difference.
Think like an entrepreneur to grow your career
What if you approached your career the way an entrepreneur thinks about their venture, product or service?
The Power of Your Purpose: Find Your Why to Supercharge Your Influence
LIDA360, is built upon my why and my values and knowing clearly who I am and why I am has helped me grow my influence in meaningful and measurable ways.
How to quit your high-paying job
When a high-paying job comes at other costs, sometimes no amount of money is worth it
Conquering Self-Promotion
The idea of marketing and promoting yourself might feel icky or uncomfortable. I get it. But being able to share your value with others, and influence conversations is important to growing your career and attracting ideal opportunities.
What Does It Mean to ‘Put Yourself Out There’?
you need to ensure that the right employer can find you when they have a job or opportunity you’d be interested in.
5 things your resume must include
To ensure your resume meets the needs of your ideal employer, and passes through the screening processes of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and recruiters, here are five things your resume must include
Books by Lida Citroën
Lida is the author of 5 books on personal branding, reputation repair, military-to-civilian-transition, and engaging with veteran talent.
In her most popular book, Control the Narrative, she shares wisdom on managing perception that empowers executives, entrepreneurs, and emerging leaders alike to get in the driver’s seat of their career and legacy.