Following is an excerpt from my book, “Reputation 360: Creating power through personal branding” (Palisades Publishing, 2011)
Just like you, I have had wonderful opportunities in my life—and many challenges. I’ve done amazing things that won awards—and I’ve burned bridges due to careless behavior. I’ve had a career of creating, becoming, losing and learning, and today I am a reflection of it all.
What I also have, like you, is a reputation. I created some of that reputation through my actions, with little thought. Other aspects I designed intentionally to ensure that the people who matter to me find me valuable and relevant. That’s the part I’m here to share with you and teach you how to create.
By picking up this book, you have taken the first bold step: You are officially on the personal branding journey. There will be no turning back, no second-guessing over every choice you make. You will no longer strive for validation from others; you will find confirmation of your decisions within yourself. My hope is that through this book you will find your authentic voice and passion and learn how to effectively and efficiently communicate them to others so they will create powerful opportunities for you.
In my career as a corporate and personal brand strategist and counsel for executives of Fortune 500 companies, I have had the honor and pleasure of helping all kinds of people: leaders in innovative education technology; venture capitalists with a passion for sustainability and impact investing; outspoken advocates for the advancement and empowerment of American adolescents; cancer survivors; disabled U.S. war veterans; coaches; consultants; moms, dads and their college-age kids. My clients aren’t celebrities, but they are well known in their respective industries.
They all realize the importance of managing their reputations and building authentic relationships though personal branding. Throughout this book, I will share some of their stories—their struggles and accomplishments—to illustrate how people come to the realization that they need personal branding help and the results they can achieve from that guidance.
My greatest success has always been in promoting companies, products or people that come from a place of authenticity and genuineness—realness, in other words. A big part of the work I do is to help clients bring forward that authenticity and market it to the right audience.
In this book, I will share my views on personal branding and the processes that will enable you to become the person you are meant to be, to attract the clients and relationships you desire and to draw opportunities to you more easily. Your personal branding journey starts with you and ends with you. In between, we focus on creating an intentional and fulfilling set of action steps that will bring you more joy and wealth and the ability to craft your own legacy.
… How other people see you directly impacts the value they assign you, and your ability to influence and, in some cases, even manipulate that perception directly affects the opportunities that you’re given in your career, your relationships and your life. Owning responsibility for your reputation and managing the way that you’re perceived are critical, for you and for any person at any level of business.
To learn more about creating power through personal branding, visit this site.