Wait! Before you discard this blog because you didn’t serve in the military and fear this post is irrelevant, consider this: With 2.6 million veterans who have served since 911, it is almost a certainty that you know someone who wore the uniform and would benefit from this information. Consider whether your neighbor, coworker, boss, staff, kid’s soccer coach, or CPA is a military veteran — if this blog isn’t for you, send it to them.

Transitioning from a military to civilian career does not just happen in the 12 to 18 months after taking off the uniform. It can be a lifelong transition for some. I’m coaching a veteran now who left his service 10 years ago and is struggling from the same issues he had when he first separated.
I write and speak a lot about transition questions, challenges, and tools to effectively build a civilian career. In addition to my book, training programs, and work on Military.com, here are some of my favorite bits of advice. To those reading this that served (or are a military spouse), THANK YOU.
- Veterans Transitioning from a Military to Civilian Career
- Are you a Job Snob?
- W.I.I.F.T?
- Email Names, Sign Offs, and Signatures — A Part of Your Personal Brand
- What To Do: First Months of a Job Search
- Navigating Your Transition: Reputation Matters
- Expert Q&A: Using Your Social Network
- 5 Tips on Staying Positive During a Job Search
- Female Veterans Hiding Service